
le café


260 commentaires:


  2. Merci !

    Alors, le match ne fait que commencer
    et Paris est loin d'avoir dit son dernier mot.

    Sinon des posters, non pas pour l'instant,
    mais c'est faisable évidemment.

  3. C'est canon, Vahram !
    Ene-wouaille-ci te réussit !
    Je t'embrasse

  4. These prints are simply awesome, love them! Are they available for sale, any of them?

  5. thanks for the concise and elegant style!

  6. How charming! I love the illustrations
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. I surely love an Americano! These illustrations are humorous and adorable. I love them! So fun.

  8. It's espresso, not expresso. Nice illustration nevertheless.

  9. bt dubs, an Americano is an atrocious espresso-based approximation of regular American-style coffee. It isn't a cup of joe, it's watered-down espresso. The worst of both worlds.

  10. To the previous comment: obviously YOU are the moron.

    The picture on the left represents Paris and is in FRENCH, and in French it is called expresso, yes, with an X. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expresso
    You didn't get it, uh?

  11. un express? fantastic design and fun ideas! bravo!

  12. I must say I hate the way France does coffee with milk - always with ghastly UHT muck.

    As much as they may have gone gaga with Starbucks, the French outlets pretty much make it like the English - gigantic cups, too hot, can't tell the difference between a latte and a capuccino, ughhh. Yesterday a Starbucks barista in Lyon tried to supersize my double-shot latte to a 12oz bucket (without asking).

  13. c'est fou ce qu'on voit comme complexe d'infériorité et de défense réflexe. ça n'est pas parce qu'un artiste "constate" qu'il critique et ce, péjorativement ..bande de paranos :D

    j'adore :D

  14. This is very nice and clever, nice design!

  15. Bien, dis, "Ze" !

    C'est juste une comparaison, et l'auteur n'a, ici, à aucun moment, privilégié l'un des deux. :)
    Chacun ses habitudes, chacun ses traditions !
    Les Américains préfèrent sans doute un bon café généreux tandis que les français préféreront les conversations autour d'un espresso, en terrasse de café :)
    Les deux ont leurs avantages !

    Ce blog est délectable, j'adore, tout simplement :)

  16. BTW espresso is not and will never be French, it's ITALIAN and according to my experience, thanks to the massive italian american cultural heritage, in NYC you can have way better espresso than in Paris. :)

  17. Héhé, si les ricains savaient faire du café, ils miseraient sur la qualité plutôt que la quantité :)

  18. C'est marrant, comme Feddi je me faisais la remarque que le café français par excellence ce n'est pas forcément l'expresso : pour les Anglais, le café français par excellence c'est le café filtré ; à NYC, j'ai aussi vu plusieurs endroits où on vendait du "French drip coffee". L'expresso c'est sans doute plus italien... quoique le "petit noir bien serré" c'est très parisien. Par comparaison, les cafés italiens paraissent moins forts (en tous les cas à Rome, Milan, Bergame, que je connais). L'Americano, je croyais que c'était un café de la côte Ouest.

    En tous les cas, l'illustration est, comme toujours, tip top.*


    * quand j'étais jeune on disait tip top. Si, si.

  19. Au top les amis ! Quelle est le nom de la typo utilisée pour les titres ?

  20. Etant allé à New York et vivant à côté de Paris... ces images sont d'une réalité !!!

    Je dis BRAVO à l'auteur et surtout à cette image car je me rappelle du bon vieux Starbucks à tous les coins de rues de New York ce qui est l'équivalent de nos jolies cafés dans les coins de Paris ;)

  21. You are sooo clever! I love all the illustrations!

    ~ Leah

  22. ah.. j'adore le café américain

  23. Expresso is the best, american coffee sucks :)

  24. Мне так понравился ваш блог!!! Все очень точно и остроумно!!!! В самую точку!

  25. Fusion, esthetisme, hors époque, plein champ.


  26. This image is so explanatory of a major difference in the way the two countries view food and portion sizes. Love your blog!

  27. @yanni88: funnily enough, americano in most coffee shops is an espresso with added water. In good cafes, espresso is served with an extra glass of water. It's not really about portion sizes, it's all about attitude towards food...

  28. Vive Starbucks!!
    Dommage qu'il n'y en ai pas chez moi (Belgique)

  29. to everyone who is cranky about the spelling of espresso... in france, it's actually called an express. they don't use the italian spelling. and also, it's a blog. calm down.

  30. just love this, great to frame and put in a kitchen or a cafe...lovely...

  31. french espresso sucks...

  32. I love the furious discussion about who's coffee is better :) It's too funny. In New York just as in Paris i bet you can get bad and good coffee. My experience in France was that you have a better chance of getting cheap espresso (or expresso) that tastes good. In New York you go to expensive French Bistro in hope you get what you pay for. In any case as I understand these posters are not to be PC or mean to any city, just adorable stereotypes we all have. I love both New York and Paris and I hate both French and New Yorkers with the same force :) Love you all.

  33. I'm pretty sure Americano originated from Mexico.. made from the leftovers that weren't good enough to be sold to the USA. So I guess USA Americano is something else.

    Nevertheless, I really like the grand crèmes in France (which are more French than "expressos")

  34. I recall when I was in Paris my friend asking for coffee to go at a cafe. The only size options were "small," which was this tiny styrofoam cup (5-6 oz?) or "extra-large," which was a "small" or "tall" in the US (12 oz). My friend told the barista that in America, Paris's "extra-large" is our "small." The man had quite a laugh.

  35. express is a bus, espresso is coffee

  36. I just received the new edition of GDUSA magazine, which showcases some of the diptychs. I love the graphics, but I am wondering why in the diptych le café, the word espresso is misspelled? And if it is a mistake, did the magazine published this piece on purpose?

  37. in France it's expresso, not espresso, that's in Italy

  38. we may perceive as exaggerated, but it is true! I have lived in Paris, been in NYC three times, I can tell.
    However, quantity doesn´t mean quality, expresso is, by far, more tasteful, more pure. Americano is like water for us Europeans. Anyway, your work is amazing, i discovered it in a Spanish magazine and i said to myself: what a nice present for Christmas!

  39. actually espresso is italian ;) in paris you can find both espresso and americano

  40. I love coffe, in Brazil have a coffe wich milk, but is diferent of Amrican coffe and Paris. You would like know Brazil? Is very beautifull country!!So good your coments...

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  43. actually espresso is italian ;) in paris you can find both espresso and americano

  44. Prefer espresso than americano ....

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    There are many recipe websites. One of them is food recipes . You can find different recipes in this website.

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    ) is a very popular dessert that can be found on the menu of any restaurant, cafe or pastry shop.

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    Azərbaycan bir çox Seo xidməti göstərən şirkətlər var. Göstərdikləri keyfiyyətə görə fərqlənirlər.

  124. Great post & useful. Thanks à lot.

  125. very nice good post

  126. What is Yahoo Mail Error Code 1242?
    Yahoo postal service is one in every of the oldest web-based email services. Typically a varied issue arises throughout the functioning of the Yahoo postal service, and one in every of the foremost common errors that arise is Yahoo mail error code 1242. A corrupt window system will cause such an error. If your device has virus or malware like spyware, it will affect the email services.

  127. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  128. Very helpful advice in this particular post! It’s the little changes that make the largest changes. Thanks for sharing!

  129. Loved the Paris to New York comparisons. There are also great things to do in Prague. Something like a weekend trip to Prague can be a nice break from the fast moving pace of Paris and New York.

  130. I recall when I was in Paris my friend asking for coffee to go at a cafe. The only size options were "small," which was this tiny styrofoam cup (5-6 oz?) Or "extra-large," which was a "small" or "tall" in the US (12 oz). My friend told the barista that in America, Paris's "extra-large" is our "small." The man had quite a laugh
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